This website is designed to support the efforts of RSU 13's special educators to identify the unique potentials of all learners and to diligently work to ensure all students have equal access to the educational opportunities that abound in this district in order to facilitate their attainment of post-secondary education and career goals.

From left to right:
Sarah Thompson, Admin. Assistant; Janet Corcoran, Special Ed. Director;
Terri Church, Asst. Special Ed. Director; & Denise Mitchell, Special Ed. Office Coordinator
Parents and/or students who suspect they have a disability that may require special education and/or related services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and/or may require reasonable accommodations under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, should contact their school’s administrator regarding the special education referral process.
Child Find for Students with Disabilities
RSU 13 has the legal responsibility to locate, evaluate, and identify all children of school age (5-20 years), residing within the communities of Cushing, Owls Head, Rockland, South Thomaston, and Thomaston, and who may be in need of special education services due to a disability. This includes students who are attending public or private schools, or those who are home schooled. Children may be eligible for special education under the following disability categories:
· Autism
· Deaf-blindness
· Developmental Delay
· Emotional Disturbance
· Hearing Impairment
· Intellectual Disability
· Multiple Disabilities
· Orthopedic Impairment
· Other Health Impairment
· Speech/Language Impairment
· Specific Learning Disability
· Traumatic Brain Injury
· Visual Impairment
If you have a child, or know of a child, residing within RSU 13 who may have a disability and may need special education services, or if you would like additional information, please contact RSU 13's Director of Special Education at 207-596-2003.
Please note that children from birth to age 5 have the same rights through the Child Development Services (CDS) System. If you have a child, or know of a child, who is from birth to age 5 and who resides within RSU 13 who may have a disability, please contact CDS at 207-594-5933.